An overview of the advancement of Umbilical cables in subsea

In the world of technology, companies are working very hard to invent new technologies and enhancing the efficiency of products to build a better future. Over the past few years, the world has seen a remarkable increase in offshore oil extraction activity. New platforms are being extensively installed all over the world to operate in deep waters. It should be noted that these platforms are efficient from the top of the surface to the pump on the seafloor for oil extraction and equally safe. Subsea Umbilicals is a bundle of cables that transfer hydraulic and electric power within the field or from the topside to the subsea. Subsea Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines(SURF) form an essential link among various centres of operation. Withhold Mechanical Stress They must be efficient enough to withhold high chemical and mechanical stress, high temperatures and pressures to ensure a continuous service supply. These types of equipment also have pressure and temperature sensors that enable t...