An overview of the advancement of Umbilical cables in subsea

 In the world of technology, companies are working very hard to invent new technologies and enhancing the efficiency of products to build a better future. Over the past few years, the world has seen a remarkable increase in offshore oil extraction activity. New platforms are being extensively installed all over the world to operate in deep waters. It should be noted that these platforms are efficient from the top of the surface to the pump on the seafloor for oil extraction and equally safe. Subsea Umbilicals is a bundle of cables that transfer hydraulic and electric power within the field or from the topside to the subsea. Subsea Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines(SURF) form an essential link among various centres of operation.

Withhold Mechanical Stress

They must be efficient enough to withhold high chemical and mechanical stress, high temperatures and pressures to ensure a continuous service supply. These types of equipment also have pressure and temperature sensors that enable transferring data back to the platform. However, umbilicals are designed based on project and offshore development. In other words, these are fully customizable.


The connections used in the sea from the platform to the seafloor to enable control from the surface is referred to as umbilical offshore. This term is prevalent in the Oil and Gas industry. A subsea distribution system(SDS) comprises a group of umbilical and other relative structures that provide communications from the subsea to the topside. The SDS mainly includes the Hydraulic Distribution Model and Electrical Distribution Model.

Umbilical Functions

Subsea Umbilicals represent a quarter of the entire SURF market and generates around 1.5$B in revenue. Also, umbilicals offshores can be used to supply utility power, air, gas and communication from a parent platform to a child platform next to it. Umbilical functions are designed to provide:

● Hydraulic pressure to activate valves

● Electrical power to power up subsea control pieces of equipment

● Fibre optics to transmit data

● Chemical injection

● Gas Injection

● Electrical signals for monitoring systems.

Static Umbilical

Umbilicals come in various lengths and diameter and are designed for dynamic or static uses. Dynamic Umbilicals usually hang from the surface and are subject to many external forces, while the Static Umbilicals is rooted under the ground. They are mostly made of steel or thermoplastic to be flexible and act as resistant to operating conditions. 


With the development of offshore exploration and production, umbilicals are getting longer to reach several kilometres. Also, many types of equipment like Blowout Preventer(BOP) are installed in the seabed to enable safety and facilitate oil and gas production with water pumps, gas booster compressors etc. All these types of equipment require more electricity and control systems which in turn load the umbilicals with new functions, making them larger and heavier.

Umbilicals offshore crane are critical components in enabling the subsea types of equipment to run faster and smoother. Many companies use offshore overhead cranes of huge volumes to support high volume production of umbilical cables for offshore oil and gas platforms. These cranes form an integral part of the production process and are designed keeping in mind safety and reliability. Marine umbilical cables can operate in harsh environments.

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